

What problems does InsightCloudSec solve?

See All Cloud Assets In One Place

Enterprises are using the cloud to drive innovation 和 digital transformation. 然而, most security 和 operations teams lack unified visibility into the various cloud services being used by their development teams. InsightCloudSec lets you continuously monitor all your cloud 和 container services in one user-friendly platform with better insights into associated risks.


Surface 和 Assess Cloud Risks in Real Time

It’s common to be overwhelmed with a large volume of threat signals from various resources, making it hard to identify true risks 和 act on them in a timely fashion.

InsightCloudSec enables up-to-the minute cloud risk assessment by providing full context across the infrastructure, 编制, 工作负载, 数据层.


Apply Consistent Policies to Prevent Misconfigurations

As organizations navigate their digital transformation, security teams are tasked with mitigating risk 和 maintaining compliance across massive, ever-changing multi-cloud environments.

InsightCloudSec st和ardizes your entire asset inventory across multiple cloud service providers so you can consolidate policy management 和 leverage automated remediation to consistently eliminate unwanted or non-compliant configurations no matter where they turn up.


Simplify Identity 和 Access Management

In cloud environments, everything has an identity: users, applications, services, 和 systems. This provides enormous flexibility, but also creates the potential for substantial risk as every service is potentially reachable by every other one.

InsightCloudSec helps organizations adopt a least-privilege access model by proactively analyzing cloud environments for excessive entitlements at scale.


Shift Your 云安全 Program Left

As Security 和 DevOps teams continue to work together, organizations need a way to consistently evaluate risk earlier in the CI/CD pipeline so they can prevent problems before they happen, speed up developer efforts, 和 reduce friction.

InsightCloudSec enables security teams to provide a single, consistent definition of good across the full CI/CD pipeline, allowing you to evaluate potential risks of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) templates before they are built or deployed.
